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Eleore sweater
Eleore sweater
Eleore sweater
Eleore sweater
pull-laine-mohair robe de mariée
Eleore sweater
Eleore sweater
Eleore sweater
Eleore sweater

Eleore sweater

Regular price €189,00 Sale price €129,00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Beautiful sweater created by us, just for you ❤️. Supra soft and perfectly cut, it will keep you warm until the wee hours. Unique feeling of comfort and warmth thanks to its soft and fluffy fibers. Its light ivory hue goes with most wedding dresses and it is stunning on our colored skirts. Last but not least, you will have the opportunity to wear it easily, it will brighten up all your looks. Little more it is worn in 2 directions.


58% mohair - 6% wool - 36% polyamide

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