Welcome to our lovely world of brides and witnesses
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IMAGINE :Un vêtement sur mesure
La nouvelle collection IMAGINE by Manice, c'est le retour au service tailleur d'antan: la possibilité de s'offrir un vêtement de qualité 100% unique, qui correspond à vos envies, réalisé à vos mesures: une tenue dans laquelle vous vous sentirez belle et bien. C'est aussi LA solution pour la tenue de la maman de la mariée. Des tissus exclusifs, des modèles élégants et confortables, 100% personnalisables, imaginés, coupés et cousus sur place dans les ateliers du manoir à Thorembais.
A free bride surrounded by the prettiest witnesses
Did you say yes?
Designed to accompany your big day, our collections are designed, created and produced so that you are a free bride, radiant with ease. To make your life easier, we also offer a wide selection of accessories and other pretty things in our shop.
Immerse yourself in our universe... we offer you the most beautiful of weddings!

Treat yourself to a VIP fitting
Whether you are looking for your precious or the outfits of your bridesmaids, we suggest you take advantage of this opportunity to spend a magical moment with your lifelong friends.
Treat yourself to the luxury of privatizing part of the shop, and benefit from the expert advice of a member of our team for 2 hours around a glass of bubbles. Something to fill up with memories as your big day approaches. Possibility to order sweet treats or savory snacks when booking.
A pretty colorful suite?
For your D-Day, do you dream of being a free bride, surrounded by the prettiest bridesmaids? Manice makes your life easier with its collection of flowing skirts and endless lace tops. Icing on the cake: you can easily put them back once the big day is over.

We are waiting for you
We welcome you without an appointment (except for bridal fittings) from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will be happy to advise you. We have a wide selection of accessories and inspirations for your wedding in our lovely mansion. We are located 2 steps from exit 11 on the E411 and have free parking available.
Visio try-on from home
Have you spotted your little favorites but can't come to us? We offer you a fitting via videoconference to help you choose. We advise you, answer all your questions and help you take your measurements if necessary.

Un manoir dédié à votre mariage
Et si vous profitiez de vos préparatifs pour passer du temps avec vos amies de toujours?
Parmi les choses à faire au manoir on craque pour l'essayage VIP avec bulles et gourmandises, les ateliers floraux topissimes pour créer votre accessoires fleuri assorti à votre tenue ou encore un shooting photo pour garder une trace de tous ces bons moments.
Vivez une expérience inoubliable entourée de ceux que vous aimez.
découvrez tout ce qu'il y a à faire dans notre joli manoir pour prolonger le plaisir!

Bien plus que des tenues
Le manoir c'est le fruit d'une passion: Un lieu pensé pour partager, inspirer, échanger, créer, travailler, savourer, profiter, se poser... Manice y a installé ses ateliers et partage l'espace avec d'autres personnes passionnées. Profitez de votre visite pour découvrir tout plein de jolies choses: poussez la porte d'artisans locaux, prenez le temps de vous poser à la guinguette, et pourquoi pas participer à un atelier créatif, organiser un evjf ou vous tenir informé de nos prochains évents.
Bar à fleurs séchées, location chapeaux, ateliers d'artisans, et bien plus!
❤ So many reasons to make your gifts at Manice ❤
Our shop is located in Thorembais-Saint-Trond and is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The bridal fittings are only done by appointment in order to better be able to pamper you.
If you have imagined your D-Day authentic and with ease, Manice is undoubtedly the right choice. From the first ideas to the last details, we are here to support your big day.
We are waiting for you in our shop to make you discover our creations!